Firstly, a walk up this famous cobbbled lane to the town's church.On the way resisting locally made delicacies
and dragging Mr. F. past this very traditional old English pub.
Into the church
where I notice this set of rules for bell ringers in the tower.
Then it's off to do serious shopping and am delighted at how the old
sits in with the new
Ledbury also has a very good independent bookshop.Amazon is great, but there's nothing like holding and browsing a book before you buy it.
I couldn't resist taking a photo of these dear little tins sat in the window of the delicatessesn. It's not the best picture in the world, but I'm sure you'll let me off. I'm sure they would look wonderful in my kitchen. Tins - they are my one weakness you know.
All being well we will venture out somewhere this weekend. What will you be doing? Will you be locking all the doors to keep out the rain and wind that has been rattling my sash windows? Or will you be venturing out and braving the weather, come what may? I'd love to know.
By the way, can I say a big thank you to everyone who took time to send their best wishes on our recent wedding anniversary. I had a lovely morning out at some wonderful gardens. Sadly, the batteries in my camera only lasted the first five minutes of my visit. I shall just have to re-visit in the near future, so that I can share them with you.
Ledbury looks a lovely place to visit. I love places like this with lots of lovely old buildings.
Love those cute tins too! Thanks for you comment on my blog, have to say i had seen the cake cases in jar on lots of blogs etc! it a great idea though.
That looks like a perfect day out to me! Those shops look intruiging. Glad you had such a nice time. Cx
I keep meaning to visit Ledbury soon as its been a few years since I last wandered around the shops there. I especially like the look of Tinsmiths!
Ledbury looks lovely!
A good start to the weekend here in St Ives - no rain for a start and this afternoon bright sunlight (still with a fresh NE breeze though) and a clear enough evening to see the rise of the 'super moon'. x
Belated Happy Anniversary!!
I haven't been to Ledbury for years, my school friend worked in the bank there for a few years, such a lovely place. The ice cream sounds delicious, how can you resist a sign like that? Lovely photos.
I've never been to Ledbury though I've wanted to for a while. I want to go even more after your post - looks like a wonderful place to spend the day.
we have been out and about this weekend and had a really lovely walk, until I got rained on! Cold and wet, we cut it short! (I have blogged it)
Today was too windy for me so I got cosy with a bookpile instead.
what a lovely place to wander around and explore, I've just checked and it's less than an hour away from where we are so not too far for a day out.
ooh it all looks lovely! I have a real passion for ice cream, so I was particularly interested in the unusual flavours on offer!
Sounds like a wonderful trip.Thanks for the great pictures.
I am going to be in the Shropshire area June 11-25 and boy am I looking forward to it. Are there any antique or craft fares going on during that time that one should know about? In the past I have also enjoyed Zany Ladies Shop in Ludlow. Do you know if they are still there? Can't wait to explore some more!
Hello, I just discovered your lovely blog and I am taken back, and knocked breathless by the beautiful surrounds of the area for which you live. I look through photographs of the UK and long to visit, but financially it will probably never happen for me, but thanks to lovely people like you, I can stroll down the cobblestone alleys and visits the delightful little shops. This way I can take a little mini vacation each time I blog. Thank you! . I would like to invite you over to visit, and if I could I would have cookies and tea waiting on the porch. If you like what you see and would like to become mutual followers, I would be honored. I love making new friends and I am in love with your delightfully lovely blog.
Your newest follower,
Connie :)
Hi Tracey, I am so sorry to hear that you are having that much rain. Rain is wonderful, but a little goes a long way, and that's from someone who lives in a dessert area. We get most of our water from irrigation. I get so excited when I get a new follower, you have made this old gal smile. I'm looking very forward to becoming great blogging friends. Have a wonderful day . . . the sun will eventually show it's face. Connie :)
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