Not to mention the comedic scenes as teenage boys ducked and dived and in some cases ran to avoid giving their parents a hug before leaving. Mr. F. proffered a hand in case Teenage Boy prefered a handshake to the much wanted hug....I'm pleased to say, we both got our hug. And now he is in the Ardeche, jumping into raging rivers from the top of cliffs, canoeing dangerous rapids and later in the week moving on to the mediterranean coast, windsurfing and sailing in dangerous tidal waters. I know it's true........I saw the video of last year's trip. So this week, I shall spend worrying......is he eating? did I pack the right clothing? will he hurt himself jumping into that damned river? Who'd be a mom? Do you worry about your kids constantly, or are you able to be laid back and say ....wahtever? Mr F. has plans to keep me occupied this week and I think that will be the best therapy.
Same as you by the sound of it. Rain driving me nuts here too x
Boo to the rain, it really soggy here in the S/W.
Oh I am definately the worrier parent. And usually feel the contradictions in me as a person more keenly in regards to the girls. One part of me wants them to grow up free independent spirits enjoying all that life has to offer. The half says nope stay at home and be safe! lol.
Luckily at the moment they are both young. One seven the other nearly five. Although my eldest is going on to a school trip next wednesday when they go back to school. To Bristol. So I shall be glad when Wednesday is over and done with! lol.
I bet your boy is having a blast! Sounds a lot of fun.
Hope you get to spend time in your garden in the next week and this wet stuff goes on its holiday.
not at all good at stopping worrying and relaxing so will re visit this for tips!! I spent my time worrying whether or not teenage daughter had enough warm clothes when she was on outward bound course in the snow, only to find out they had been jumping into a freezing Loch in their swimsuits....Finally finally got some sun here.
I bet your boy is having the time of his life. My son went away with the school to the I.O.W when he was just 10 years old. I was worried sick but just kept myself busy all week and the time soon passed. All these trips help them to gain independence from us don't they? You have got some lovely plants. I hope that you get some time in the garden to plant them all up! x
ah mothers! there is always something to worry about! even when daughters are old enough to be mother the gran' is worrying twice
We've now only got one left at home and for the first time EVER even he wasn't around this weekend so me and Hub did Sunday lunch out, National Gardens Scheme open gardens, walk on beach and ... also lots of boring jobs, but it felt like the old days! But we still worry and always will! Hope he has a great time.
Even though my eldest is in jis final year at Uni we still worry if he's ok. Wonder what Jack's doing, wonder what Jack cooked for tea? These thoughts always pop into our heads. I don't think parents ever stop worrying. My biggest worry now is that he is off travelling for seven months, now then I will worry!
hope you have a good week.. im sure your boy will have a great time and will be back before you know it!!..
with my boys only being 2 and 4 i cant imagine them going away on school trips .. im sure id be a mess ( or take total advantage and be out everynight with the hubby somwere!!)
your garden looks lovely.. i love the wooden crate its gorgeous!!
You can't stop . . . .it's in your genes!!
I just found your lovely blog by chance and have read a few of your posts, just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed it :-)
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